Social Work
Welcome to the Social Work Team
Our Social Work Team believes that a child's capacity to learn increases exponentially when they feel loved, their well-being is valued, and their emotional health is cared for. The Social Work Team strives to do all of these things for our scholars. We support our school's mission and therefore honor our students' greatness in every way.
Meet the Team
Social Work Staff
Ms. Toni Williams
Mental Health Practitioner

Social Work Core Values:
Social Justice
Dignity & Worth of the Person
Importance of Human Relationships
The Social Work Team is here for JJ Legacy Scholars and their Families, especially during these unprecedented times. Our hope is to provide support in any way possible to individuals, families and our community.
This Week's Resources
Discussing Race with Your Child resource
Previous Week's Resources
Mindfulness is the basic concept of bringing yourself to the present moment. During a time of so much unknown, like this pandemic, tools that help us focus on the moment can provide some relief from the stress and anxiety the COVID-19 pandemic creates. These resources focus on the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Community to best represent Bright Water scholars and their families.
For Black Girls Everywhere - A Relaxing Meditation https://www.blackgirlinom.com/bgiocreatorsforchange
“We made a guided meditation for stressed out girls” https://youtu.be/greLO-RIQFs (A great video on mindfulness and the making of “For Black Girls Everywhere” with Evelyn from the Internets)
Liberate: https://liberatemeditation.com/ Liberate is a meditation app created by and for the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Community.
Greetings Esteemed Colleagues!
Kenna here, I am on the board as well as a fellow member of the Josie Johnson Montessori staff. In an effort to pull the board on track with our strategic plan, I am asking for your honest feedback in the process of evaluating the performance, strengths, and areas of growth for our school leaders, Tonicia and Jamal Abdur-Salaam.
School Leader Feedback Survey- Legacy of Dr. Josie R. Johnson Montessori
Our school board is tasked with hiring and evaluating Mrs. Tonicia according to the job description of Head of School. Mr. Jamal has the title of Principal. If you are interested in looking at the job descriptions let me know. The survey attached has metrics for every aspect of their jobs, so that is another way to know what is expected of them.
Please be candid and speak from the breadth of your own experiences in your interactions and observations of our leaders during the period spanning the 2019-2020 school year, and Distance Learning during the Covid19 pandemic of 2020.
School Leader Feedback Survey- Legacy of Dr. Josie R. Johnson Montessori
The survey does NOT collect email addresses and is NOT housed on our school Gmail server. It is the board's responsibility to review the feedback and at no time will any identifying details be revealed to Mrs. Tonicia or Mr. Jamal. In the absence of a Human Resources director, we on the board want to reassure staff that our policies around protecting whistleblowers, the way grievances are managed, and anti-bullying will be engaged and enforced.
Let's be honest, you may be wondering why this is happening now? Well, the board has to tighten up our operations. According to our authorizer, Osprey Wilds, we as a board need to improve our working relationship with school leaders and hold them accountable for leading our staff to achieve the mission and vision of our school: The Legacy of Dr. Josie R. Johnson Montessori(formerly Brightwater Montessori)
JJ Legacy School provides an excellent and equitable Montessori education in North Minneapolis to an intentionally diverse community of students
Our students will develop the character strengths, social and emotional skills, creativity, passion for learning, and college-preparatory academic capabilities that will enable them to lead lives of joy and purpose.
I'm thanking you in advance for your time in filling out the survey: https://forms.gle/QJ11jFZAxJdTvupQ7. If you would prefer a different mode of giving feedback, please reach out to any board member. Our contact info is on the school website on the board sections.
If you read to the bottom of this 4 PAGE LETTER then I also thank you! Sorry for the length of the email but it was important for me to be transparent about our process! Any questions can come to me or any board member! Find everyone's name and contact info here: https://www.jjlegacy.org/board-of-directors
Mx. Kenna-Camara Cottman
Lead Guide and Board Member
Legacy of Dr. Josie Johnson Montessori School
(formerly Bright Water)
(612) 302-3410
2201 Girard Ave N. Minneapolis, MN 55411
Office Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM